5 Jours de Retraite de Pratique de Phowa

selon l'A-Tri Dzogchen

Du mercredi 27 au dimanche 31 Octobre


De 19h30 à 21h



Pourquoi transférer la conscience ou l’esprit?

Eh bien, parce que, si l’on ne faisait rien, tout ce que l’on aurait vécu dans le Samsara se poursuivrait indéfiniment au sein de la conscience avec une sorte d’élan. Si en revanche la conscience demeurait au bon endroit, on n’aurait pas à faire l’expérience de tant de peines dans cette vie ni à revenir s’incarner dans le cycle des existences et de la souffrance. La conscience est en fait non seulement le sujet de l’expérience vivante — et de son inévitable fin —, mais bel et bien aussi le vecteur susceptible de fuser vers la sortie de la condition souffrante, de sonner le glas du Samsara.


P’OWA pour soi-même est une méthode très sûre — pourvu qu’on s’y prenne comme il se doit. C’est aussi un expédient très direct, efficace et précieux pour quiconque n’aura, comme chacun de nous, peut-être pas atteint de son vivant, la réalisation suprême. P'OWA n’est ni plus ni moins que le moyen — raccourci sans détour ni retour— permettant de quand même sublimer la conscience au moment même de la mort." (...)  Lire la suite de l’article 


     Paroles de Geshe Lhundup_ Transcription de Serge Komas

Quand ?

  • Pendant 5 Jours Mercredi 27, Jeudi 28, Vendredi 29, Samedi 30, Dimanche 31 Octobre 2021
  • De 19h30 à 21h 
  • Enseignements en Ligne sur Zoom avec Geshe Lhundup 
  • Anglais/Français Traduit par Serge Komas

Pour Qui ?

  • Pour les débutants qui souhaitent découvrir les pratiques et enseignements 
  • Pour les élèves qui suivent déjà les cours
  • Toutes origines et religions, ou bien athées sont les bienvenues.

Participation :

  • Tarif Normal 100€/ 5 Jours
  • Tarif Réduit 50€/ 5 Jours
  • Bienfaiteur 200€/ 5 Jours

Sur Donation pour les personnes en situation difficile.


5 Days Retreat of Phowa Practice and Initiation from A-Tri Dzogchen

From 27th to 31st October

7.30pm to 9pm (Paris Time)

  • If you’re not free to attend the course online The recordings will be available few hours after the teachings, you’ll receive the informations to access the page of video 



What does ‘PHOWA’ mean in Tibetan?

It means ‘to transform, to transfer’ something.


To transfer what?

Consciousness, no less. So, this is not a matter to be taken lightly.

It turns out that consciousness has the capacity to transfer itself, to transform or sublimate itself into something else. Note, however, that not all transformation techniques correspond to what is meant by ‘transferring consciousness’.


Why transfer consciousness or mind?

Well, because if one did nothing, all that one had experienced in samsara would continue in- definitely within the consciousness with a kind of momentum. If, on the other hand, conscious- ness remained in the right place, one would not have to experience so much sorrow in this life or return to incarnate in the cycle of existences and suffering. Consciousness is in fact not only the subject of living experience and of its inevitable end but also the vehicle that can literally shoot out of the suffering condition, to sound the death knell of Samsara.

PHOWA for oneself is a very safe method provided one does it right. It is also a very direct, effective and valuable expedient for anyone who, like each of us, may not have attained su- preme realization in his or her lifetime. PHOWA is no more and no less than the means a shortcut with no diversions or return to sublimate consciousness at the very moment of death.



How to accomplish such a feat?

The technique is to make the principle of consciousness ‘escape’. Riding the essence of the

heart lifted by the blessed breath of wisdom through the central channel, it is propelled at the same time. At the precise moment of death, it crosses the fontanelle never to return. As for the famous median channel, it is equivalent to wisdom clarity itself. Strictly speaking, it is not only the wisdom channel, but the wisdom channel!



A person who has been able to move his or her consciousness through it at the time of his death is considered to be forever out of the cycle of Samsara. The reason for this is that no karma gleaned from crossing the valley of suffering can cross this threshold without being de facto sublimated. Nothing impure or defective can pass through this path without transcending itself in the process. This is the only path in all of reality where this is so!

In short, the central path is exclusively that of the light: that of the clear-and-empty on the way to liberation, that of the iridescent trans-appearance beyond the Beyond.


PHOWA is nothing else than the method to lead the consciousness in this direction to force it to go there, even! This is what a real PHOWA is, i.e. a ‘transit’, a ‘transcendence’, a ‘sublima- tion’, a ‘transformation’ and a ‘transference’ worthy of the name! Now, it must be said that there are different categories of PHOWA. First of all, it depends on the purpose of the practice. One can do it for oneself or rather do it for others. " (...) Read More



Oral from Geshe Lhundup_ Transcription by Serge Komas

When ?

  • Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th, Friday 29th, Saturday 30st, Sunday 31st October 2021
  • From 7.30pm to 9.pm
  • Teachings online on Zoom with Geshe Lhundup
  • If you’re not free to attend the course online The recordings will be available few hours after the teachings, you’ll receive the informations to access the page of video 
  • English/French Teachings Translation with Serge Komas

For Who ?

  • New People and Beginners
  • Those students who already have class with Geshe Lhundup or other Bön Masters


Participation :

  • Normal Fees 100€
  • Reduction Fees 50€
  • Benefactor 200€

On Donation for people with low income