Yeshe Walmo

Yeshe Walmo: a healing deity and a protector, an emanation of Sherab Chamma and Sipai Gyalmo, principal female protector deity in the Bon Religion.


Yeshe Walmo has one face and two hands, blue black in colour, wrathful in appearance. In the upraised right hand she holds a flaming sword. The left hand holds a skullcup to the heart. Wearing bone ornaments and heavenly garments she stands on the left leg with the right drawn up atop a prone figure, sun disc and lotus seat, surrounded by the flames of wisdom fire.


Typically there are two common forms of the deity Sipai Gyalmo, Riding a Black Mule and Riding a Red Mule. These two forms are identified by their three heads and six hands. The mules are black or red. The hand objects are different between the two forms. Four celestial beings hold up the hooves of the red mule.


In the Bon religion the Queen of the World is the most wrathful manifestation of the peaceful deity Loving Mother of Wisdom (T. Sherab Chamma). Fierce in appearance, black in color, she has three faces and six arms holding weapons and implements of power and control. The three right hands hold a victory banner, flaming sword and a peg. The left hands hold a trident, svastika wand, and a skullcup filled with blood. Each of these symbolically represents cutting the knots of illusion and rooting out the three poisons of greed, anger and delusion. Riding on a red mule, she sits atop a flayed human skin symbolizing impermanence while the brightly burning flames of wisdom fire surround her.


The Queen of the World is both a meditational deity and a protector. She is one of the most frequently propitiated figures in the Bon religion, and extends her protection to both religious practitioners and common people. Though horrific and wrathful in form she embodies the qualities of wisdom and compassion.

Yeshe Walmo: une divinité guérisseuse et protectrice, une émanation de Sherab Chamma et Sipai Gyalmo, principale divinité protectrice de la bonne religion.


Yeshe Walmo a un visage et deux mains, de couleur bleu noir, d'apparence courroucée. Dans la main droite levée, elle tient une épée flamboyante. La main gauche tient une coupe crânienne au cœur. Portant des ornements en os et des vêtements célestes, elle se tient sur la jambe gauche avec la droite dressée au sommet d'une silhouette couchée, d'un disque solaire et d'un siège de lotus, entourée par les flammes du feu de la sagesse.


En règle générale, il existe deux formes courantes de la divinité Sipai Gyalmo, Monter un mulet noir et Monter un mulet rouge. Ces deux formes sont identifiées par leurs trois têtes et six mains. Les mules sont noires ou rouges. Les objets de la main sont différents entre les deux formes. Quatre êtres célestes brandissent les sabots de la mule rouge.


Dans la religion Bön, la reine du monde est la manifestation la plus courroucée de la divinité paisible Mère aimante de la sagesse (T. Sherab Chamma). D'apparence féroce, de couleur noire, elle a trois visages et six bras tenant des armes et des instruments de pouvoir et de contrôle. Les trois mains droites tiennent une bannière de la victoire, une épée flamboyante et une cheville. Les mains gauches tiennent un trident, une baguette svastika et une coupe crânienne remplie de sang. Chacun d'eux représente symboliquement couper les nœuds de l'illusion et déraciner les trois poisons de l'avidité, de la colère et de l'illusion. Montée sur une mule rouge, elle est assise sur une peau humaine écorchée symbolisant l'impermanence tandis que les flammes brillantes du feu de la sagesse l'entourent.


La reine du monde est à la fois une divinité méditative et une protectrice. Elle est l'une des figures les plus favorisées de la religion Bon et étend sa protection aux pratiquants religieux et aux gens ordinaires. Bien que sa forme soit horrible et courroucée, elle incarne les qualités de sagesse et de compassion.

Sidpa Gyalmo

Sipai Gyalmo (Queen of the World) is both a meditational deity and a protector. She has six principal manifestations (white, yellow, red, black, blue and dark brown) and twenty-eight retinue attendant figures.


In the Bön religion the Queen of the World is the most wrathful manifestation of the peaceful deity Loving Mother of Wisdom (T. Sherab Chamma). Fierce in appearance, black in color, she has three faces and six arms holding weapons and implements of power and control.


The three right hands hold a victory banner, flaming sword and a peg. The left hands hold a trident, svastika wand, and a skullcup filled with blood. Each of these symbolically represents cutting the knots of illusion and rooting out the three poisons of greed, anger and delusion. Riding on a red mule, she sits atop a flayed human skin symbolizing impermanence while the brightly burning flames of wisdom fire surround her.


The Queen of the World is both a meditational deity and a protector. She is one of the most frequently propitiated figures in the Bön religion, and extends her protection to both religious practitioners and common people. Though horrific and wrathful in form she embodies the qualities of wisdom and compassion. 

This powerful protector has beautiful sacred secrets to share with us as we take her practice to the next level.


Sidpa Gyalmo has multiple aspects. She appears as wrathful and as a powerful protector, but she is also the manifestation of the peaceful Goddess, Sherab Chamma, the great wisdom loving mother, the mother of all enlightened ones and the source of all love and compassion.


Sidpa Gyalmo is also a manifestation of the wisdom aspect of Yeshe Walmo, the preserver and protector of the Yungdrung Bön wisdom.

Yeshe Walmo keeps all Bön texts and sacred items safe and only allows these objects to be found when times are right.


The Benefits :

During this teaching, you will feel Sidpa Gyalmo’s ability to protect and heal, as well as her guidance and wisdom.


This initiation will give you the tools to help you with your personal practice and transformation. You will be able to tap into your innate ability to heal. You will be able to help your clients and patients as physicians and healers. This retreat will include initiation of Sidpa Gyalmo.


Sidpa Gyalmo is mysterious and powerful. Through this initiation, you will discover her ability to heal, protect, promote guidance and wisdom. She will resonate with you in time of need.

Sipai Gyalmo (Reine du Monde) est à la fois une divinité méditative et une protectrice. Elle a six manifestations principales (blanc, jaune, rouge, noir, bleu et brun foncé) et vingt-huit personnages accompagnateurs.


Dans la religion Bön, la Reine du Monde est la manifestation la plus courroucée de la divinité paisible Mère aimante de la sagesse (T. Sherab Chamma). D'apparence féroce, de couleur noire, elle a trois visages et six bras tenant des armes et des instruments de pouvoir et de contrôle. Les trois mains droites tiennent une bannière de victoire, une épée flamboyante et une cheville. Les mains gauches tiennent un trident, une baguette svastika et une coupe crânienne remplie de sang. Chacun d'eux représente symboliquement couper les nœuds de l'illusion et déraciner les trois poisons de l'avidité, de la colère et de l'illusion. Montée sur une mule rouge, elle est assise sur une peau humaine écorchée symbolisant l'impermanence tandis que les flammes brillantes du feu de la sagesse l'entourent.


La reine du monde est à la fois une divinité méditative et une protectrice. Elle est l'une des figures les plus favorisées de la religion Bon et étend sa protection aux pratiquants religieux et aux gens ordinaires. Bien que sa forme soit horrible et courroucée, elle incarne les qualités de sagesse et de compassion.

Cette puissante protectrice a de beaux secrets sacrés à partager avec nous alors que nous faisons passer sa pratique au niveau supérieur.

Sidpa Gyalmo a plusieurs aspects. Elle apparaît comme courroucée et comme une puissante protectrice, mais elle est aussi la manifestation de la déesse pacifique, Sherab Chamma, la grande mère aimante de la sagesse, la mère de tous les éclairés et la source de tout amour et compassion.

Sidpa Gyalmo est également une manifestation de l'aspect de sagesse de Yeshe Walmo, la conservatrice et protectrice de la sagesse Yungdrung Bön. Yeshe Walmo garde tous les textes Bön et objets sacrés en lieu sûr et ne permet de trouver ces objets que lorsque les temps sont propices. 

Au cours de cet enseignement, vous ressentirez la capacité de Sidpa Gyalmo à protéger et à guérir, ainsi que ses conseils et sa sagesse.

Les Bénéfices :

Cette initiation vous donnera les outils pour vous accompagner dans votre pratique personnelle et votre transformation. Vous pourrez exploiter votre capacité innée à guérir. Vous pourrez aider vos clients et patients en tant que médecins et guérisseurs. Cette retraite comprendra l'initiation de Sidpa Gyalmo.


Sidpa Gyalmo est mystérieux et puissant. A travers cette initiation, vous découvrirez sa capacité à guérir, protéger, promouvoir l'orientation et la sagesse. Elle résonnera avec vous en cas de besoin.

By: John Myrdhin Reynolds / Vajranatha
San Diego, March 1996
According to some Bön histories, it is said that the cult of goddess Sidpa Gyalmo as as Protector of Bön (Bön-skyong) was introduced by Shenchen Luga (gShen-chen klu-dga', 996-1035) from his Terma text discoveries at Dritsam Thakar ('Bri-mtshams mtha' dkar) in Tsang province in 1017.
Indeed the red Sidpa Gyalmo does come from this Terma collection [See the Srid-rgyal dre'u dmar-mo'i rgyud dang 'grel-pa bcas.] 
Be that as it may, Sidpa Gyalmo riding the black mule (dre'u nag) became the special Guardian for Yeru Wensakha Monastery established in Tsang province by the Dru (Bru) clan, and she remains so for its successor monastery of MENRI (sMan-ri).
According to the textual sources, from out of the Dharmakaya Kuntu Zangmo (Bön-sku Kun tu bzang-mo) emanated the chief of the Matrika goddesses of the Bön tradition, Machok Sidpa Gyalmo (Ma-mchog Srid-pa'i rgyal-mo) "the Supreme Mother, the Queen of Existence."
At the Sambhogakaya level, Sidpa Gyalmo manifested in 5 aspects:
1. Yeshe Walmo (Ye-shes dbal-mo) as the universal aspect
2. Khagying Lhamo (mKha'-'gying lha-mo) as the pacifying aspect (zhi-ba)
3. Duyum Lhamo (dus yum lha-mo) as the increasing aspect (rgyas-pa)
4. Kasang Lhamo (bKa' gsang lha-mo) as the enchantment aspect (dbang)
5. Dedro Sang-yum (bDe 'gro gsang yum) as the fierce or destructive aspect (drag-po).
Thereupon Sidpa Gyalmo emanated the various Dakinis attending her in her mandala.
- In the center of the mandala is Thugtrul Nagmo (Thugs sprul nag-mo) or Kali, who is directly emanated from the Mind (thugs sprul) of Sidpa - Gyalmo.
- She has a single face and 2 arms and is riding upon a black mule.
- Therefore, she is called Dreu Nagmo (Dre'u nag-mo).
- Then she emanates the 4 medicine goddesses (rdzu-'phrul sman bzhi) and the 6 time goddesses (dus drug) who are the watch-keepers over - the day, each watch being 4 hours.
- Then she emanates:
a.The 27 animal- and human-headed goddesses known as Walmo (dbal-mo nyer-bdun)
b.Beyond them the 4 door-keeper goddesses (sgo-ma bzhi)
c. The 9 female generals (dmag-dpon-ma dgu)
d. The the 12 Tenma goddesses (brtan-ma bcu-gnyis).
At the Bönpo monastery at Dolanji, in Himachal Pradesh, India, there is still performed a Cham or Lama dance called Srid-rgyal dus drug, devoted to representing these 6 time goddesses who are aspects of Sidpa Gyalmo.
Each of these goddesses has her particular watch of the day and has a different colour and attributes, as follows:
1. Sogchodma (Srog-gcod-ma), who is black in color, has the watch of the evening (srod)
2. Zhendebma (gZhen-'debs-ma), who is blue in color, has the watch of midnight (nam gung)
3. Wangdudma (dBang-sdud-ma), who is white in color, has the watch of daybreak (tho-rangs)
4. Odtroma ('Od-'phro-ma), who is yellow in color, has the watch of sun rise and early morning (nyi shar)
5. Trasalma (bKra-gsal-ma), who is red in color, has the watch of midday (nyin phyed)
6. Zersalma (Zer-gsal-ma), who is purple-brown in color, has the watch of late afternoon and sunset (phyi 'phrod).
[See the Srid-rgyal gzer-bu and the longer text, the Drag-sngags dbal-mo.]
YESHE WALMO is the chief form of Sidpa Gyalmo.
- She is not riding upon any animal as a mount and is depicted as having a single face and 2 arms. 
- She is poised in dance position.
- Her body is a dark azure (mthing nag or black in color, like the midnight sky.
- She wears over her shoulders a mantle of peacock feathers.
- She holds a sword in her right hand and, in her wrathful aspect, she carries a kapala or skull-cup filled with blood in her left hand.
- But when Yeshe Walmo is employed for healing, as is the case with the healing practice below, she carries in her left hand a vase filled with herbal medicines (sman).
A description of Sidpa Gyalmo riding a red mule (Srid rgyal dre'u dmar) is given in the Ma-mo 'dus-pa'i yang snying gi rgyud, which is part of the Srid-rgyal dre'u dmar-mo'i rgyud dang 'grel-ba bcas collection:
- As for her 3 faces:
a. The face on the right is white and smiling,
b. That on the left is red and fierce,
c. That in the center is dark azure and wrathful.
- Her dark red hair stands on end and her 3 eyes glow like the heart of the sun.
- Her nose is beautified with the wrinkles of a wrathful deity. Her mouth is open, gaping like a hearth for a fire consuming offerings.
- Her innumerable teeth are arrayed like glacial mountains and her tongue makes a terrifying clicking sound.
- The whiskers (about her mouth) emanate sparks like the fire at the end of time.
- Her roaring resounds in the heavens like thunder.
- The upper part of her dark azure colored body is adorned with the ash-grey hide of an elephant and a flayed human skin.
- As her lower garment, she wears a tiger skin, to which is also attached the skin of a fierce bear.
- Venomous snakes, reddish yellow in color, are intertwined (about her neck) forming necklaces that writhe.
- She is adorned with a threefold long necklace of dry skulls, decaying heads, and freshly severed heads dripping blood.
- As for her other terror-inspiring attributes, in her upper right hand she holds a zhing-phyug, which is adorned with a crown of silk of various
- colors fluttering in the vast expanse of unmanifest space.
- In her upper left hand, she holds a swastika before the secret place of the treasury of her heart.
- With her middle right hand, she brandishes a sword in the sky, like a weapon of flames.
- Her middle left hand holds a trident, while a great drum attached to it resounds like thunder.
- In her lower right hand, she grasps a phurpa dagger with its three-bladed point thrust in to the heart of a being clinging to perverted views.
- In her lower left hand, she holds a kapala skull cup filled to the brim with bubbling blood.
- She displays her legs in a manner where (her feet) subdue the 4 demons of delusion and perfect the 4 kinds of magical actions.
- She draws up one leg haughtily and stretches out the other.
- As for her mount, the dark indigo tips of its ears are adorned with silk ribbons.
- Nagarajas serve as halter and bridle, while male and female vampire spirits are made into her saddle.
- The still-moist flayed skin of a human corpse serves as a saddle blanket. The saddle straps are tied with a 100.000 pieces of cloth taken from
- corpses......
- The bands of the stirrups are made from the still-moist skins of corpses to which are tied stirrups made of human skulls.
- The 4 hoofs of her mount are supported (by the hands) of the 4 Great Kings (who guard the 4 quarters)...."
As a Yidam or meditation deity, and not just a Guardian, Sidpa Gyalmo has various guises or emanations, and under different names, she is regarded as the consort (yum) of the 5 Supreme Deities of the Divine Citadel (gsas-mkhar mchog lnga), who comprise the Pha Gyud or Father Tantras.
------------These 5 principal Yidam deities manifest different aspects of enlightened awareness:
1. Walse Ngampa (dBal-gsas rngams-pa) represents the Body aspect (sku) and has as his consort Ngammo Yumchen (rNgam-mo yum-chen),
2. Lhagod Thagpa (Lha-rgod thag-pa) represents the Speech aspect 9gsung) and has as his consort Sidpa Gyalmo (Srid-pa rgyal-mo)
3. Trowo Tsochok (Khro-bo gtso-mchog mkha'-'gying) represents the Mind aspect (thugs) and has as his consort Khala Dugmo (mKha' la gdug-mo)
4. Walchen Gekhod (dBal-chen Ge-khod) represents the Quality aspect (yon-tan) and has as his consort Drala Gyalmo (sGra-bla rgyal-mo)
5. Walphur Nagpo (dBal-phur nag-po) represents the activity aspect ('phrin-las) and has as his consort Sadak Gyalmo (Sa-bdag rgyal-mo) or Sadak
Tongkhyabma (Sa-bdag stong-khyab-ma).
All of these consorts are manifestations of the same Great Goddess ; they differ in name and form, but are ultimately of the same essence.
The healing practice for the Goddess Sidpa Gyalmo utilizing her fierce mantra, and entitled Srid-rgyal drag snags gnad kyi dgongs-thim, was transmitted to Lopön Tenzin Namdak by Phugpa Lagan while the former was residing at Lake Namtso in Northern Tibet.
Some 3 generations previously, it had been given to the Bönpo yogin Togdan Gyalwa Wangdan who received the teaching in a vision from the Goddess Sidpa Gyalmo herself.